Ignite your imagination with a tinch of positivity...


Can you see what I see?
With optimistic perspective
Looking at the sad
Aspiring for a better incentive
Without any major feelings
Happy or sad
Appreciating the good
Like a little lad

Can you feel what I feel?
Imagining the skies and oceans
With magical thoughts and zeal
Perching feathers with deep notions
The growing seeds, turning into trees
And the Science they reveal
The petrichor and droplets of rain
Emerging insects becoming frog's meal

Can you hear what I hear?
The chirping of humming bird
And the throbbing sounds of moving eel
The noises described by no word
Murmuring ants, nobody could hear
All tiny secrets they conceal
And the monkeys making a plan
A plan to gobble up the banana peel

Can you dream what I dream?
The white streak of falling stars
Meteorite moving across the sky
Or perhaps if life existed on the Mars
If I had limitless money to buy
A pool to jump and a jet to climb high
Or a platform of spotlight to act
A poem to rise and a spirit to fly...


AFTERTHOUGHT- This piece of my writing is a special stuff for me. The poem itself has so much of the introspection I do. We do get frustrated when we're not enjoying life as much as we should. Thanks to imagination. We can make everything possible in our minds, no matter how the reality goes. Imagination ignites an interminable positivity. And perhaps sometimes I realize that everyone around me has a life as vivid and complex as mine. The feeling of sonder! 

I hope you enjoyed the poetry as much as I enjoyed composing it. I'd like to know your thoughts in the comments down below.

Let's talk later now!



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