Corona will motivate you today, see how!



One tiny creature, we can't even see it
More dead than alive on the non-living surface
Never did I imagine, how it could multiply bit by bit
And panic ironically huge world so turgid

Nobody confirmed how it came into effect
From bats or snakes or pangolin
Starting from Wuhan city of China suspect,
With positive detections more than 1000 it did infect

China has become a prisoner of its own prison
Struggling with coronavirus in hospitals
None can go out nor can they enter the junction
With empty roads and other harsh decisions

A little organism and an exemplary country,
How it started with developed China?
On this Earth, rich & poor, all & sundry
Are helpless on the face of nature gallantry

Nature has the strength to terrify the whole world at an instant;
Humans are full of ego in everything they have
We fight for money, religion, caste & creeds unrepentant
Corona has brought these small issues down, so urgent

This is what nature has taught us-
Live with love and let others live, too
Show and express your love to loved ones with guts
Let peace revive everywhere, no fuss

Or else it's Corona, mona, shona whatever
If we wanna live, we ought to live with peace
Don't have pride and ego, today and ever
Because even money can't buy happiness or make you clever

It's life, my dear friends, it's life
As it comes, it will leave us all
The picture would be hung on the wall, no strife
The throne chair left empty only memories revive...


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