Ever compared by your mommy?



Ever thought that in this world all were same
No change in attitude just a different name
Ever thought that in this world all were perfect
Just as they wished to be and have the same intellect

There's always a difference between even real brothers,
Then why does my mommy compare me with others?

Was this world made to be ideal;
And were we supposed to be a copy, not real?
Ever thought how such a world would be 
Where none was different and unique to see

Everyone has their own wings and feathers,
Then why does my mommy compare me with others?

We frustrate ourselves with our own abilities
And try to achieve the desirable amenities,
We're all trying to be a carbon copy
Because parents or friends are being soppy

Every child can't grow as desired by the mothers,
Then why does my mommy compare me with others?

Everyone was surely made for a reason,
There's no one flawless to take a lesson
Every soul was created to be unique
And not to cheat others and seek what they seek

Almost every child try to get to the expectations of their fathers,
Then why does my mommy compare me with others?

I know there is always an improvement required
To be the child every mom has admired
But that should be as per your own self,
Your own attitudes and desires to delve

I wish to succeed and not belly up under covers
Then why does my mommy compare me with others?

DESCRIPTION- Your life doesn't have any competition with anyone else. It's just you vs success. We all have those 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 hands, and 2 legs. Our deeds make the difference. You are not inferior or superior in this world. You are simply 'you'. And you don't have to compare yourself to others in order to get better. In this world, we weren't made to be the same, right? Going with the majority doesn't necessarily make you successful. So, neglect the comparison and go on buddy!


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