Reading this will make you happier than before..


Living the way I want is what I seek
That's  what brings bright aspect under cheek
My desire is where my happiness lies
But do I follow my heart in nature's bleak?

I'm  told to be cheerful and happy
Living their version of life, turning nappy
My desire is where my happiness lies
When I can't be me, life's not sappy

Everyone can't be good for you
For happiness, all struggle with problems new
My desire is where my happiness lies
So how can I follow others and be happily true?

For happiness doesn't need money
You just need to be yourself and sunny
My desire is where my happiness lies
But I ought to abide elders and be funny

Then none is happy on this Earth
Everyone has some obligations after birth
My desire is where my happiness lies 
I can't do all I crave for mirth

Why don't we have magic powers?
We could bloom like blossom flowers
My desire is where my happiness lies
I want blessings to fall upon in showers

Being happy is not easy in life
The struggle is driving the edge of a knife
My desire is where my happiness lies
Success becomes easy to strike

Happiness is not in seeking more
You just have the present to adore
My desire is where my happiness lies
But I can't leave my heart free to explore

Material things are impermanent
Fleeting happiness is all that scent
My desire is where my happiness lies
Icing is showy, the cake is important

Count your blessings, not troubles
For all your trouble, daily double
My desire is where my happiness lies
I gather bliss to dwell in a bubble

Happiness has a role to play in the success
A positive attitude is the secret of happiness
My desire is where my happiness lies
Making most out of every day leads to progress

Success is to aim forward, not backward
To spread wings and fly high like a bird
My desire is where my happiness lies
So spread prosperity and remember my word...

AFTERTHOUGHT- I emphasize the opinions of most of the people who think that wealth, freedom, power, security or beauty brings happiness. If wealth makes people happy, then rich would be dancing on the streets. But only poor kids do that. If power ensures security, then officials would walk without even being guarded. But people who live simply are the ones who sleep soundly. If beauty and fame bring ideal relationships, then celebrities should have the most successful marriages. But they even get divorced. Simplicity leads the world. So we must live simply, walk humbly and love genuinely. That is the secret of happiness. 

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