The Unexplained- this will surprise you!


We all have our own secrets. Isn't it? Secrets which we hide from everyone! And you may expose that to somebody trustworthy, who won't ever let anyone else know.
Now, ever thought about the secrets of this world you're living in? Do you think the world is all as simple and clear as you know?
There had been a lot of things shrouded in secrecy. And scientists might be hiding it!
And this isn't going to be a cock and bull story that I created. These are the facts I researched thoroughly before composing it.
Down below are some of the most mysterious facts of the world that will surprise you to the utmost-


    1. Teotihuacan

This was the sixth-largest city in Mexico during AD 600. Almost 200,000 people lived in Teotihuacan. About 150 years later, the land was deserted. Nobody knows the reason for this city being abandoned. It is assumed that a huge fire may have devastated it in AD 650. However, a secret tunnel is found in Mexico that might lead to the solution for this mystery. Check out by clicking here.

      2. The Nazca Lines 

These were the spectacular drawings on the ground which can only be seen clearly from a height of about 300 m. Now, earlier, there had been no airplanes and the Nazca lines are as old as 300 BC or more. There are many queries yet to be answered. Why and how were the pictures made so precisely if the creators had no means to see them from the sky? For more information click here.

      3. The Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic ocean

It is said that the Bermuda Triangle gobble up all the ships and airplanes without a trace. There had been tales of vanished humans and lost mariners emerging from the Bermuda waters. Some say that the magnetic waves are to blame while others blame the tropical cyclones for all. Some proposed theories show that the Bermuda Triangle mystery is actually quite solved. To know more about the Bermuda Mystery being solved click here.

      4. Stonehenge

It is a circle of 17 upright stones that stand on the Salisbury Plain located in Southwest England. The upright stones are called sarsens and other stones laid across the top known as lintels. They weigh up to 50 tonnes. Also, an inner circle of smaller bluestones is there that weigh up to 4 tonnes each. Experts believe that it was all completed in around 1500 BC. At least 600 people would have been required in order to move each sarsen stones on some of the most precipitous parts of the journey.
How is it possible for that time when there was not much technology for the transportation of enormous stones and why was it all made?

      5. Crooked Forest, Poland

Instead of growing vertically on Poland's eastern haunch, they are bent over almost 90 degrees at the trunk. The query arises as to what makes the woods there grow such unusually. Were they torrential snowstorms or weird growing techniques? 

     6. Bhangarh Fort, India

It's said that there is some ethereal presence of some cursed princess. Deaths have been reported by locals as a result of the curse. Echos have been heard by some people. This place is considered to be one of the most haunted spots in India. Nobody is allowed to enter after darkness!


     1. Yeti 

Also called the Abominable Snowman, this is believed to exist in the Himalayan mountains. It is said that this weird creature walks upright just like humans and is covered long brown hair with measurement up to 14 m. Mysterious footprints had been reported by some Everest Mountaineers.
Check out here on whether it's some mythical creature or just a bear. For more information click here.

     2. Aliens

Aliens had crashed on Earth at Roswell, New Mexico from other planets.
Nevada, USA had secretly examined their bodies and aircraft. And it's claimed that the US government may have acquired advanced weapons and technology for space travel from them.
Many people believe that the truth has been concealed by secret organizations and manipulated.

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Don't forget to comment down any other mysterious thing in the world you have ever heard of or experienced! Most admirable one from your comments will be added in this article with editing. 


  1. Interesting stuff to read. Thanks for the information.


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