My Story of Unique Friendship...


You have seen a lot of people being crazy about making friends. They don't even know what friendship is, they are just interested to have a group to chit chat, that's it. They flee away during their bad times.
Today I'm here to tell you my story of friendship. The story that you had never heard, the story that I never told you, the story that will surprise you and change your perception about friendship!

A few years ago, when I was ten years or so, my new home was going under construction. The people in the street were unfamiliar to me and I felt quite lonely to be there whenever my parents brought me along with them in order to check the progress of my home being constructed. There were few houses besides mine, all well constructed. But people were behind the walls and could rarely be seen playing on the road. Then I saw a small hut just a few steps ahead of my underdeveloped house. A poor girl ran out of the hut in order to catch a little boy, perhaps her brother. The kid banged with me and the girl caught him and smiled at me. She seemed to be as old as me. I asked her a few questions and she took me to her hut, happily as we talked all way. Though I have always lived in a comfortable well-furnished home, I was still captivated by a small hut. I was amazed to see that there was a pile of wood on which a wide cloth was spread over, working as a bed. There was a yellow-colored dim bulb that produced a queer shine which captivated me utmost. The hut smelled pleasant like lilies and muds. They all seemed so close to nature and for a moment I wished to live in a hut. I thought they ain't in that bad position as we read in books and we ever heard of. It seemed as if it wasn't that boring to live in a hut. The walls only had bricks with no whitewashing. Some areas on the wall were covered by tattered clothes. There were few broken dolls and a tyre on the ground and her brother was rolling the tyre continuously. The ground had no carpet, it was pure soil! I enjoyed sitting with her in the hut. Then we played, running all around in the streets. We had become friends and the people wondered that I was playing in the mud with a poor little detestable kid. I didn't care. She wasn't pretty, but she was lonely. I couldn't see why she had to be lonely when she had a pretty heart. I gifted her my favorite doll because she was so happy to have it. I gifted her some of my clothes. She had nothing except dolls and a tyre. And as a friend, she had no one except me and I loved to befriend that loner who really deserved it.
But then one day, her parents transferred and their hut was shifted to some other place. My home was completed with its construction but I still missed that mere little hut standing a few steps from my house...
She didn't do anything for me. I had no expectations or demands from her. I just wanted to brighten her and my life, understanding each other's cultures and wandering around. Her poverty didn't bother me. Today, I don't remember what her name was nor I know where she is but she will always be in my precious memory lane. I had made many friends in life till now, but seriously.., that was the best friendship I ever had. Here I wrote some lines, summarising the story of my unique, yet beautiful friendship -

The dark, dark sky hung over her
Alone, with the vicinity of stars
She stood on a bench
Sad, detestable soul

Lonely, not because of cruelty in nature
But because she didn't know
How friendship takes birth
Since a poor child in a hut, she lived

Incidentally, a girl akin to her
Saw her quiet and grave
Not as financially ill as she was
Seemed the same soul of a different home

Smiled she and the other one in glee
Without judgment, they merrily befriend
The society kept judging the Prince and the Pauper
But they ran thoroughfares with interminable friendship

We're all the same
Me and You
It's just an accident
That I'm not You and You're not Me...

AFTERTHOUGHT- Friendship isn't all that we need. To be honest, a friend isn't a necessity. And nowadays, a true friend is rare to find. Everyone is moving with someone or the other but they're all doing that for show off. People pretend to have friends. Having a friend is a show-off thing nowadays. We've heard loads of things about what true friends are. Some make friends quite easily while others take time to adjust. But the reality is, you don't need to make friends, nor you need to adjust for anybody. Those who aspire for true friendship, they get their friends without judgment, effortlessly. True friendship never judges rich-poor, dark-fair, religion, tall-short, dumb-stupid, or appearance. No matter how weird someone is, a true friend will never judge him or her. You can be YOU in front of your true friend. Being loyal is enough to befriend somebody. So basically, Friendship has no judgment. 
No matter you agree or not, I'd like to know your views in the comments down below. 


  1. So much truth in your wonderful touching words ❤️ Beautiful Poem :)


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