Let the sparkling rows of lamps lighten up your day!




Effusing happiness to all abound

Pearls of glitter glittering the nights

Overwhelming us with history profound

The Diwali is back with our delights


With prayers, rangoli and tasty sweets

Let’s celebrate Diwali and illuminate the streets


Displayed in customs and traditions

India is known for its unique festivals

With admirable people and their visions

Every festival has enticing rituals


With traditional dresses all well and neat

Let’s celebrate Diwali and illuminate the street


In the Hindu calendar month of Kartik

Deepavali, the festival of lights arrive

In the honour of Lord Ram, the avatar symbolic

The incarnation of God Vishnu, the seventh avatar thrive


With negativities and hate, we must delete

Let’s celebrate Diwali and illuminate the street


There’s an epic history behind this celebration

When ram left for fourteen years

Fourteen years to forest in society evasion

The time when people shed so many tears


Wishing you good health and wealth we greet

Let’s celebrate Diwali and illuminate the street


On Ram’s return to the homeland

Lamps were lighted along his way

The guiding lights of diva lamps

For peace and social harmony, we pray


With gulab jamun, samosa and sweets we eat

Let’s celebrate Diwali and illuminate the street


The return of lord ram after exile

With a victory over battle against Ravan

Brought us a festival to laugh and smile

To bring people together and have fun


Glorifying Ram’s victory and Ravan's defeat

Let’s celebrate Diwali and illuminate the street


The triumph of good over evil

Showing us a way to lead us together

The new beginnings beautify our lives

May peace dwell on earth in all weather


Bringing gifts and receiving amazing treats

Let’s celebrate Diwali and illuminate the street


By burning a little less firecrackers

The Diwali gleam won’t fade

The pollution reverts back as an attacker

Sing holy chants with diyas handmade


Corona panic and online stuff made us dead on our feet

Let’s celebrate Diwali and illuminate the street


Charity will bring a little joy to the poor

And give us another reason to smile

That will be a happy Diwali to the doer

Celebrating it together in cultural


To those we left and to those we didn’t meet

Let’s celebrate Diwali and illuminate the street

DESCRIPTION-  Yesterday when my fellow friends and neighbors were celebrating Diwali, I was busy writing poetry on it :)
That's what makes my celebration worth it.
And secondly, I admire this festival somewhat more than other Hindu occasions because here we see glitters everywhere. And many of us actually like to see rangoli and lightened diyas
Hope you guys enjoyed your celebration. Involve yourself in other festivals as well because we celebrate India's cultural diversity by acknowledging equality in culture and traditions. Every festival is good on its own. If we don't celebrate it, we should still respect the diversity and wish our fellow mates :)
I actually love diversity so much and I'm so happy, after all, we get holidays, an extra benefit of having so many festivals lol. :D
Ohkay, so here with dreams of more more subscribers  :( 
I'm ending it, buddies!
see ya soon!


  1. Beautiful poem ❤️ Happy Diwali :))✨

  2. Diwali brings so much joy every year- rangoli, sweets, lighting, decorations...�� Nice poem;) you covered everything..


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