Rise above the ordinary..!



The past may torture me, evoke and arise

The future might threaten maybe once or twice

But if I make up my mind so hard

Like tides and oceans, I'll rise

They told me that I'm incapable

With silly questions that I ask

And brash or useless things I say

How would I even accomplish a task?

Maybe, they believe they're too wise

That they belittle me along with advice

Haven't they checked out my toleration level?

Like loosy smoke and fire, I'll rise

Oh so they thought I'm afraid of them!

Or perhaps I require their help all times!

Working well, I need their compliments?

Here I mock them with my rhymes

These I believe are friends in disguise

They show me their lies, in order to look nice

Unaware of my capacities, they don't know

Like sweet-tiny bubbles, I'll rise

I'm too kiddish to be good they say

Unlike others, I don't understand

They say, I'm too dull and shy

And refuse to lend a helping hand

At my back, they view me in despise

So fake that they can't even look into my eyes

Once the limit is crossed for me

Like the emerging gleam and aura, I'll rise

My problems see me as a weak soul

They challenge me like nothing else could

And the moment I conquer them

They revert back to me as they would

Let them challenge me with malice

I take them as my gift and surprise

Staying strong makes me a warrior

Like heavy storms and winds, I'll rise

Many people have their own selfish worlds

Hardly few come to help when you need

But they're always there at your failure

After all, they get a topic to defeat

It's their job to hamper someone who tries

Don't bother them, just chill out guys!

Today they say, not aware of tomorrow

Like thunder and flashes, I'll rise

Do they look at me with sympathy?

And wait for my upcoming tears

They long for me to quit the trial

And continue being enslaved by fears

Perhaps they target someone who easily cries

Happy to mock, not ready to compromise

These thorns on my road may come

But like dreams and hopes, I'll rise

Loneliness engulf me like a predator

Expecting me to step into depression

And diseases haunt me with their stories

Along with worries regarding career and profession

The way winners thrive for the prize

With determination and strength that never dies

Giving the best with positive notions

Like seeds and spring, I'll rise

Like seeds and spring, I'll rise...

DESCRIPTION- When you're relentless and strong, you don't wait for the button to be punched, instead you punch the button and take action, you would be more envied upon. If you're not willing to live a life of mediocrity, instead you're willing to push and take what you deserve, you may have to confront some toxic people. I came across a link to clear regarding that, click here to see. Some people would rather than elevating themselves, waste their time trying to drag you down to their level. Also, when you move past the challenges on the social ladder, the challenges revert back to pull you down. Another site has a similar notions regarding this, click here if you want to delve into it further. 
My poetry focuses on inspiring you that even though all these issues arise, you can surpass them with optimistic spirit.
Hope my efforts in this composition worked well :)
Thanks for reading!
Gonna talk later


  1. Wow this is wonderful!! Powerful words..:)) I certainly got the essence of them.


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