Learn about life in a way that life can't teach with this heart warming poetry..



-By Sarah Khan

The avifauna perched on the branch in pair

Among green leaves shedding at its place

By beauty, and beauty alone, embrace

Celebrating the freedom in the open air

It chirped like some euphonious tune

Smelling the petrichor on the rainy day

Moving round and round the plants to play

The rain heralds arrival of monsoon


Seeking shelter at the soothing place

A little chick stumbled on the earth

The bushes were peaceful enough in worth

Bobbing its tail with a puffed up face

Shrieking queasy with reluctance to shift

Drooping its wings with dull eyes

Fluffed feathers and unable to rise

And fell again when it tried to drift


With blobs of white plaster around

The pained chick breathed slowly in and out

The inactivity showed it was sick, no doubt

So tired that it could utter no sound

The birds around bemused and flee away

Leaving the sick soul alone on the land

Nobody was there for a helping hand

With hopeless glances it chose to stay


There were seeds and flower nectars around

But the poor little bird didn’t even peck at food

With puffed up feathers and lazy mood

Sitting silently on the dirty ground

It looked at the lovely nature for a while

Seemed as if it was thankful to earth

With remembrance for its few old joys and mirth

It felt dizzy and remained immotile


The poor chick that used to fly

Pushed itself to crawl through life

Clouds cried in rain to mourn for the loss

Avian flu was like driving the edge of a knife

Its eyes closed for eternity to arrive

Seemed as if it was bidding me goodbye

Evoking in me the value of life

A poem to rise and a spirit to fly...

AFTERTHOUGHT- Few days back, I had seen a bird lose its life in front of my eyes. I was watching it from the window, I could seriously do nothing but just pray for it to recover as it was suffering from this ongoing bird flu. Though the animal husbandry officials came and carried the corpse of bird away, I couldn't  forget the plight of the bird. It seemed as if it had come at our area for seeking help in order to save itself. I wish if I was a bird specialist, I could have done something. 

The Coronavirus pandemic wasn't enough, maybe that the birds was the next target of torture. These days, in India many birds in some parts are losing their lives from avian flu. We wish for better situations. Our heart utters condolences for those lost lives and we pray for these difficult days to bring vibes of optimism in us and encourage us to develop ourselves better and stronger with the changing situations. With mercy to the lost birds, I'd also like to tell you how precious life is, even for these wild birds, and how valuable freedom is. These birds fly freely into the sky, so even few hours of sickness makes them uncomfortable as they lose their usual freedom they used to enjoy. However, these birds are also chained to the sky which portrays that freedom comes with some rules too. 

Finally, I'd like to say that the bird that lost its life, taught me the importance of life and freedom along with motivating me to compose a unique poetry and igniting in me a spirit to fly and achieve my dreams during the lifespan.

I hope you enjoyed the reading. Didn't you? 

Things don't end when one life ends because this is the cycle of nature and we're all entitled to it. With these positive thoughts, I end stuff here. Yeah, I know some long stuff need more time to be invested upon and I'm here to inspire and make you enjoy not to bore you.

So, Babbye

Talk to you later!


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