Beating around the bush...



Running around like a headless chicken 

To read the notes in copy I had written

I sat on my study table cozily

Hoping that I won't behave silly

My book was right in front of me

But the mind was shouting 'Taki taki'

This earworm was running on my head

And convincing me to sleep on the bed

My feets began to dance with the beat

Making even a line hard to read

Somehow I turned back conscious

With vibes of being pretty studious

I read about growth rate in economics

and went bananas imagining the Netflix

Does animal growth matters to economy?

It must be affected by lions that roam free

Perhaps the lions might gobble up things

Whether frog with feet or bird with wings

Well, I think I'm safe even if I go nearby

It must spat me out considering "yucky!" and dry

The gorilla's seem quite friendly

Their monkey business doesn't seem deadly

Yikes! That's not even asked in my book

We got diverted from the topic again, look

My hands suddenly scribbled on the book

My morning infatuation got to have a hook

I smiled imagining about him

Drawing stars and circles acting on the whim

"Ping ping!" I heard a beep on my phone

A message popped up received from unknown

Suddenly my hands picked it up

Ugh my classmate had texted "what's up?"

I saved her number and replied her back

Woopsie! My mom now brought me a snack

I switched off the phone and kept it aside

My mouth watered to see chips all fried

Uff! The clock almost stared at me

"Couldn't even concentrate, how could she?"

I shook my head and kept finger on the line

Reading out loud and everything was fine...

AFTERTHOUGHT- This poem is a bunch of feelings, joke, craziness, love and all sorts of things that keep us distracted from studies.

Each student face this issue of lack of concentration during studies. The songs on our head, sleepiness, phone, snacks, our dream partner, beating around the bush and things keep us distracted from studies. Isn't it? We get distracted because these diverting activities seems more interesting than what's there in our books. It's natural for all of us to get into such situations but if that happens beyond the limit, I've some solutions for you.. You should try to change your way of studying that subject so that it becomes interesting. You should stand up and read out loud as I mentioned in my last line of the poetry. Learning using some action phrases or linking the concepts with real life or some songs will help you built interest in the subject. 

I hope students could completely relate to this poetry while job or business ones would have been nostalgic, recalling their days of student life! 

Also, I hope it could bring you smiles or even laughter relating to these things.

Thanks for reading!



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