Unfold the bunch of short stories with deep impact!



Everybody loves short stories, isn't' it? At times, we used to get engrossed in our storybooks but now the internet is replacing books, specially during the lockdown in covid pandemic. So instead of gaming on the internet, you can take a break and read the most fascinating short stories which might impart wisdom in you, expand your vocabulary and give you an amazing reading experience. I've composed these stories that can make you get lost into some other world for a while and feel the characters. 

Disclaimer- This is a work of fiction. All the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are the product of my imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Enjoy reading!















A child's tittle tattle


Sarah’s childhood


Drama, fun, autobiography



The victory of love




Horror, suspense, mystery, love


The pavement dweller



Desire to learn

Motivational, inspiring, drama



The missing puppy




Inspirational, action



When larry met stacy


One sided love

First meet

Romance, drama



The unstoppable hour




Motivational, inspiring



Tickling the ego




Comedy, drama



This story is based on true experiences. You might relate to your childhood. This is the only story based on my own childhood experiences. Go unleash Sarah's secret!


With deep curiosity like the Alice in the wonderland, little Sarah wanted to explore the world. She was often compared to her elder sister and thought to be not so studious child. On the other hand her classmates assumed that she was studious. Both of them were not exactly right. Though, Sarah wasn't much into syllabus books, she was totally engrossed in story books, factopedia and philosophical books. She didn't have much friends, so the moment lunch break arrived at her school, she used to rush towards the library and issue an encyclopedia to read. She loved to read about dinosaurs, oceans, whales, solar system, cultures and fairy tales. She used to watch Barbie movies and wish to live a life in fairy tale. Half of her mind used to live in some other world. The big ladies used to squeeze her cheeks at school and she would wonder why they always want to treat her like a baby. She was in junior class, yet she seemed younger than her classmates. 
She used to keep a diary behind the pillow at night and the moment she was overwhelmed with thoughts, she would note them down the diary even at midnight. 
Sarah was an introvert for unknown people but an extrovert for those close to her. She was talkative and notorious who would get lost in the park every 15 minutes and her parents would roam around to find her waving in the air, jumping and running around. She loved independence and freedom.
Though naughty, she was a pure soul with no ill thoughts about anyone. But one day, at the school bus, she heard somebody say, "Sarah stole that girl's French book." 
Sarah wasn't sure who was speaking it but she was sure she had never in her life stolen somebody's book. 
The rumor spread like a wildfire and even her own friend started believing the romour monger. 
"Sarah stop acting like an innocent girl, I know you had stolen **'s French book last month!"
"I know you don't like me," Sarah said, disappointed "But stop spreading rumors about me and speaking behind my back!"
Sarah went to her class hastily and cried. After the rumors many had all started ignoring her.
She wasn't a violent student ready to grab arms and fight otherwise she must have given some good bruises to the one spreading lies.
It's easy to spread romours and hate good people because people take ‘being nice’ as granted. 
Well, the truth had approached and the girl got to know that it was another student who had borrowed the book for few days. Sarah sighed. Some people who had accused her apologized while others were envious of not getting a hot topic to discuss anymore.
Some girls frequently wanted to bring heated topic to target her because jealousy couldn't digest that Sarah was an apple pie of seniors at school, they would pick her up like a baby and squeeze her cheeks like anything.

But Sarah didn't bother, she'd still continue being what she was. 


An enemy is threatening to the feelings of love and affection. It ruin the bonds, isn't it? But who's exactly the enemy? Here's the story of a lady who realizes who's her true enemy. How would she overcome her enemy? Let's know!


Mateo was jogging at his park when suddenly he heard a voice from the bushes, that of somebody following him. He turned back but there was nobody seen. He removed his shoes and did yoga. His wife Olivia was heading towards him. "Come, we'll perform the exercises together," she said.
When they were done with their workout, Mateo couldn't find his pair of shoes. He went searching for it but ended up to go home without shoes. He got some bruises at the thorny road. When they got back to their home, to their astonishment, Mateo's carbon filament light bulb was lying broken on the ground. Mateo was an engineer and his next project was supposed to be about that bulb design. Olivia assured Mateo that she had locked the house well. "Oh what's there!" Mateo observed there a piece of paper, and read, "Fill it up and make it fat, you like it best when it's like that. But lose track and you will see, you’ve nearly finished, Mateo, it's tit for tat?"
It was a clue to find something, they admitted. Mateo reached his pockets and his wallet was missing. He reached to his wardrobe to find it and saw another paper chit, "Step and step and step, you go. To reach the top, you will start low. With ever step, the goal you’ll reach. Although the journey might make it hard to breathe." Both were frightened and couldn't understand what was happening! "The clue mentions 'step and reaching the top', sounds like it's about the staircase." Olivia was right, they saw another chit at the staircase. The chit said, "It’s been tiring dear Mateo, it’s time to rest. You can lie down on it's chest. Soft yet sturdy, may cradle you. And in the morning, feel life anew." Indeed Mateo needed rest and he was trilling with fear. When they went to his bedroom, they saw another chit. Olivia read, "Strong and sturdy, darling count on it! Just keep it locked, before you sit. Tall and solid, all homes have it see. To get it open, you'll need a key." No doubt the couple was about to report somebody and ask for help about their bizzare experiences. But the moment they tried opening, the door got stuck! This was adding fuel to fire. At the spur of the moment, they found one more chit hanging at the door knob. Mateo read, "It's spine is the wrong way, all the others are facing out. Check Mateo meet you there among ur books, no doubt." Olivia thought a while and said, "it's about bookshelf!"
Instead of a chit in the bookshelf, they found a peculiar diary, a short one. Mateo opened it. Due to power cut, darkness dawned. And boom! A phantasmic black figure leaped out of the book and strangled the neck of Mateo. Quavering with fear, Olivia hit the monster with a rod. But it went past the monster. Siezed with panic, Mateo could see the end of his fate. Before the monster could attack them again, Olivia and Mateo squeezed and trapped with arms locked around neck lovingly to end their fate together.
Muttering breathlessly, Olivia shouted loud in the sleep. Mateo shook her and she opened her eyes."Bad dream", she cried. After a while she moved to her bookshelf, observed the diary on which she had scrawled, "I hate Mateo" on every page. Mateo had got the promotion and Olivia was envious of him. But she looked down upon her mistake and realized that jealousy breeds hatred and she was being preyed upon by that. She wrote, "Sorry" and tore the other pages. Her hatred had been imbibed in the diary, leaping out as a monster from the pages in her dream. The moment when Mateo and Olivia embraced each other lovingly, Olivia had woken up from her nightmare! 
Indeed the power of love beats hatred. Olivia improved and could see no more monsters in her dreams again.


It's said that if you pursue your dream harder, you can achieve that goal at some point in life. Here's a story of a boy keen to learn a new skill despite being stuck in a poverty stricken livelihood. Would a miracle make him reach his goal or would he accept his circumstances and surrender? Let's read! 


In the pitch darkness of stormy night when a street light was blinking continuously, interrupting the sleep of pavement dwellers, Charlie stared at his nanny. She was sleeping soundly. So, he walked stealthily following a melodious music coming from somewhere. He saw from a window, a boy moving his fingers up and down from a peculiar instrument which was producing euphonious tunes. The next morning, Charlie told his nanny that he wanted to work as a servant at the home on that corner since they needed money. But actually Charlie was mesmerized by the piano. 
He used wash the dishes and watch the owner's son playing the piano everyday. One day, when the latter wasn't there, Charlie tried playing the piano. "How dare you!" The mistress shouted. Her son came running behind her. "Mom.. Don't shout at him. I'll see."
Charlie bewildered. As the mistress went away, Charlie told the boy that he was mesmerized by the piano and wanted to learn it but didn't have enough money. Harry ignored his interest for once. But when Charlie insisted on his desire to learn the piano, Harry decided to teach him. Everyday he would give piano classes to Charlie when the mistress was out on job. Charlie would return to his nanny with a bright aspect. Months passed and he learnt a good deal. 
Harry and Charlie had become great friends. Unexpectedly, Harry denied the lesson one day. He said he won't be teaching Charlie thereafter as he had his exams. Charlie made dismal look. But then Harry said, "I've contacts of a musical band and I think you've learnt the basics, you can join them. They play it during occasions and marriages, you can do it and earn too."
Charlie's nanny was surprised to know it but she was happy that the child learnt something and now he would get a job he has passion for.
Charlie saw himself as a musical band member and smiled through the future.


Pet animals have some distinctive and substantial abilities which humans don't possess. These phenomenal skills help them figure out the unexpected. Let's check what Avyan's puppy found out!


The blazing winds were making little Avyan shiver. His father led his hands around his shoulders for the warmth. He looked at his watch, it was 9 am and yet the flight to Delhi was late. Avyan noticed that Muffin wasn't standing beside him. He looked around but the puppy couldn't be seen. They had reserved a seat in the aeroplane for their puppy after permission but the puppy vanished from the place and the flight was about to arrive! Avyan ran out of the hold of his father's hands. His father bewildered to realize that the puppy had escaped the place and Avyan was heading towards the same. He followed Avyan. "Muffin! Where are you?" Avyan shouted to call his puppy. 

He heard a bark and saw Muffin biting a stranger. Muffin barked raucously as if he was trying to tell him something. The man fell down and something queer came out from his pocket. The dog pushed back the thing through his feat. It was a wallet! Boom!
Avyan and his father caught hold of the man and called the police. 
This is how a puppy, muffin helped Avyan and his father prevent the thief to steal the wallet.


Are you into love stories? This one is a captivating story of a classmate who is on the verge of falling in love. How does he overcome the fear and confess it to the silent girl? Let's know it here!


"Larry!" The teacher shouted pointing at a boy. He threw his chalk over the boy and the latter baffled. Larry had his head dozing at the seat peacefully during the lecture. He had been dreaming. The teacher urged him to focus on the board. The teacher proceeded with his topics. Larry was still not paying attention but this time, he wasn't sleeping.
No answer.
Larry had been glancing at a girl sitting quietly and reading her book.
"What's going with that boy, I wonder?" Larry's classmate murmured, "You Larry.. sir is calling you!"
Larry bewildered and apologized. Though he was looking at the board, his mind was somewhere else. He was imagining the most intriguing figure sitting in the class. A simple girl with black skittish eyes seemed a delicate innocent creature and Larry admired her. Stacy usually used to sit alone, engrossed in her books. He wanted to make the girl smile. Larry followed her to the library and sat next to her. Stacy's pair of arched eyebrows looked down on sweeping eyelashes. He had butterflies flying around inside him. When Stacy faced him, he looked away blushing. Larry finally tried talking to her. Somehow, he asked her some educational topics and philosophy. Everyday Larry would find some excuse and talk to the girl. One day, Larry scrawled something at the back of his notebook, hiding the words from others. Stacy, sitting beside him asked to see what he was drawing but Larry was reluctant, pretending to resist but letting his hand slip till his words were revealed. "I'm falling in love with you", Stacy saw it. Her face flushed and Larry's heart leaped with steady lifting impulse. He had questions within him. The next day when Larry saw Stacy in the library, he gradually walked close to her. The bristles of his beard scratched against her soft cheeks as he gripped her head firmly and kissed her. Larry whispered very softly with his mouth close to her ear, "I love you". Suddenly, his sleep got interrupted by the teacher again and he looked at Stacy, peacefully studying. She faced towards him and smiled. Larry decided not to make her uncomfortable. He decided to flow through his feelings. At some point of time he would again study with her in library, the love wouldn't fade but this time only to rip him apart for one last time.
He wished for her happiness, smiled and moved on.


We've all heard that time waits for none. Have you ever procrastinated while focusing upon fascinating things? I suppose many do that. This story would be an eye opener to it. Let's see how!


Once when the people ran for cover outside and umbrellas were opened as the clouds spat out their beads of water. The rainfall became heavier and the puddles began plinking. I could hear the murmuring of the rain through the window. Like the buzzing of angry bees, I heard the drops of rain pouring over my doorstep. The clock showed 4 pm. It was an antique clock my late Grandma had gifted me. It didn't require battery to work. She used to polish it often. It had been three years since she passed away and the clock was dirty yet working. After reminiscence about my grandma, I looked at the sky, the rain had stopped. The clouds were clear. Then I looked at the clock, it was "5 pm" now. The pendulum was irritating my ears and haunting me. My inner conscience made me move towards the clock and I switched it off. As the clock was stuck, there was no ticking sound anymore. And I could peacefully while away the time and procrastinate my pending works to watch the beauty of sky. The sky became dark and the clock was stuck as usual. The people with umrellas being opened hours before were now walking freely without an umbrella. Something hit my conscience hard and I went back to my study table.
Umbrellas would come back every season, time will never. Even though the watch stuck, the clouds reminded me of the time. I was letting the time control me when I was supposed to control my time.  


Now here's the last story, funny type this time. It's about a boy who is afraid of everything while a girl having ego at everything. What happens when they meet..? Do they change?


"Save me..plz save me..Sorry", Dabbu came shouting terribly to his class. His teacher asked the reason. Dabbu pointed his finger at a lizard running after him. The teacher grinned. She pushed the bench so that the lizard steps backward. Dabbu sat at his bench as the lizard vanished.
Besides Dabbu, there was a bespectacled and lanky girl rolling her pencil over the book. 
The teacher threw a chalk over the girl. She gave a conceited look. "Have u done your homework, Rory?"
"No," Rory immediately replied.
"Why did you not do? Even Chatri Lal who was ill has done it!"
"I didn't get time," she retorted.  Dabbu gaped at Rory with big nervy eyes. The girl wasn't even afraid but Dabbu was so afraid of the consequences of the girl's attitude. 
"You didn't do your homework and you aren't feeling guilty of it!" The teacher said, infuriated. "You should say sorry."
"Ohk. I will say."
"Say it now!"
"Now", Rory said.
"Say sorry this minute", the teacher shouted.
"I'm not having my watch, madam."
"You never apologize, Rory. Get out of the class!" the teacher bellowed at her. Rory quickly stood up, picking up her book and left the class with arrogance. While Dabbu was terrified, he swallowed and felt a lump in his throat with fear.  He was shocked by the guts of the girl who could so easily bear the criticism.
After the lecture ended and lunch break arrived, Dabbu sat next to Chatrilal at the lunch hall. Coincidentally, there were only girls sitting around them. Dabbu felt highly timid and uncomfortable. "Hey Chatri, see," he murmured in Chatrilal's ears, "There are only girls here, except us."
"That's cool," Chatri said, pulling his collar in pride. 
After lunch, Dabbu went out and stuttered, "Amm..Rory.. Please don't mind me. Sorry in advance if I say something bad further. Err..How did you.. even talk like that.. to ma'am?"
"She's an egoistic teacher and I wanted to give her a lesson," Rory bit her lips in anger.
"She was.. just asking for homework and that's for your betterment..", Dabbu smiled foolishly, "ah.. sorry if I said something wrong."
"Dabbu you're a chicken!" Rory retorted. "You're taking the favour of teacher! Go away to her!"
"Ahh.. save me..save me,.. sorry", Dabbu shouted as he saw an aunt on his collar and cried.
Rory wiped away the ant from his shoulder and Dabbu sighed.
"Do you know Dabbu it's just an ant, people even hunt for tigers? If I wouldn't have wiped away the ant, you would still have been fine, unnoticeably. Did your sorry even make an impact on the insect? No."
Dabbu looked down and introspected those lines. 
"I understand you Rory," Dabbu said, thoughtfully, "But would your sorry have made an impact on the teacher? Yes."
Rory grasped and went to do her homework without a word.
She wanted to give the egoistic teacher a lesson, but she realized the egoistic one was she.

So I hope you all enjoyed the stories. Gives your suggestions or just let me know your favorite story among these through your precious comment. Or tell me whatever you feel about this folding storybook, anything you want to say!


  1. I enjoyed reading all the stories. My favourite ones are-'The unstoppable hour' and 'The victory of love'


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