Celebrate humanity with these archaic verses!




O ye that dwell on the globe
With same bones and anatomy
And blood that flows within
Tis thru one heart in thee

The torture in the name o' creed
Bombarding for not being their kind
Thou shall realize betimes
The lost lives irrespective o' creed o' thee

Biased are the verdict by fools
They rule on the basis of race belike
And brainwash the mass, forsooth
Taking votes by religion of that yon

The hype surrounding controversies
Led to the wildest bruit afore
Wherefore, many loathed them
Not the violence, but the religion of thee

The articles printed by the journalese
Thenceforth, few didst compose verily
Whilst many composed to hide the ills
And target 'em towards a faith of thee

Not a soul hadst a choice o' birth
Thither living in a specific faith
Amd thou shall realize betimes
Look into thine own heart

Honour is not in faith
Humanity is thy honour
Inquire the mighty lord
One who created thee

Fighting hitherto for religion
Thou forgot to save the humanity
Whence the mal slaves of religion
Goest on the brink o' nothingness

Thou discrimminate for naught
Erstwhile, creating the bourne
Whilst majesty yonder need no defence
Tis human who need to be on the lee

O ye that dwell on the globe
With same bones and anatomy
And blood that flows within
Tis thru one heart in thee

DESCRIPTIONThe poem focuses on the idea that how discriminations arise on the basis of religion, how wars are created, how the boundaries between humans are created and how the humans are unable to understand a simple thing that every human has got the same bones and a heart, so what's so special to be discriminated for? The poem emphasises on the idea that Humanity is the religion of every human, so let's not forget that in our engrossed faiths. Also, the way politics is played on the basis of religious votes, how the media grows the seeds of hatred in the public, a group of people targeting specific community, justifying the crime with a communal angle. Nobody had a choice to be born in a specific religion, colour, caste or creed but we all are united because our hearts beat together. 
Hope you enjoyed this piece of writing.


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