Celebrate unity in diversity with this poetry!



I dreamt I walked in a garden

And watched the flowers out there

They were pink, red and blue

And I stood around to stare


The sun was shining bright

On all flowers short and tall

Together they waved beautifully

Roses or lilies, big or small


Divided we lose and fall

Integrity makes us revive

Like every drop forms an ocean

United we stand in life


With the sunset came a thunderstorm

The colorful blossoms waved in the dark

Every plant is worth the same

The sky was climbing in the spark


We’re all born from the same soil

And end the fate at the same

Living under the same sky

We all are in a different frame


Divided we lose and fall

Integrity makes us revive

Like every drop forms and ocean

United we stand in life


Born in a country among varied religions

Making friends without judging their names

We are together with united visions

Among people with different aims


Displayed in customs and traditions

With admirable people at length

India is known for its cultures

History is our pride and unity is strength


Divided we lose and fall

Integrity makes us revive

Like every drop forms an ocean

United we stand in life


Leaving us spellbound with alluring cultures

India beholds the intrinsic diversity

With more than 21 languages and varied religions

We’re all united for eternity


We’re the colours of tricolor flag

Adorning the pagdi, topi and kesari

Though in different ways and styles

We beautify the world in glee


Divided we lose and fall

Integrity makes us revive

Like every drop forms and ocean

United we stand in life


The constitution protects our rights

Curbing all kind of discrimination

Giving fair judgement to all

Ensuring togetherness in every situation


With different colours, roles and weights

No matter they’ve clean skin or scar

Embracing every unique creation at place

All are respected and valued at par


Divided we lose and fall

Integrity makes us revive

Like every drop forms and ocean

United we stand in life

