Unfold the magic that universe holds !


The universe holds magic within, it knows fate, yet does not forsake even an ounce of hope. A few days back, I had seen a bird lose its life in front of my eyes. I was watching it from the window; I could seriously do nothing but just pray for it to recover as it was suffering from this ongoing bird flu. Though the animal husbandry officials came and carried the corpse of the bird away, I couldn't forget the plight of the bird. It seemed as if it had come to our area for seeking help to save itself. I wish if I was a bird specialist, I could have done something. These birds fly freely into the sky, so even a few hours of sickness makes them uncomfortable as they lose the usual freedom they used to enjoy. However, birds are also chained to the sky which portrays that freedom comes with some rules too. We need to find the meaning of loss and derive a purpose from it. The bird that lost its life, taught us the importance of life and freedom along with igniting a spirit to fly and achieve dreams during the lifespan. When you're relentless and strong, you don't wait for the button to be punched; instead, you punch the button and take action. When you move past the challenges on the social ladder, the challenges revert back to pull you down. A life without problems is an Earth without science.  If you get what you want, there won’t be any difference between life and dream. Light gets in through the broken. Nights turn into mornings, mighty storms turn into rainbows, and dreams turn into reality! When the chick gets hatched out from the egg, the mother bird teaches it and then pushes it freely into the air to flap its wings and fly, thus teaching the world to come out of its comfort zones. Things don't end when one life ends because this is the cycle of nature and we're all entitled to it.
