Unfold this mystery of a Game zone!


-By Sarah Khan

It was a typical Sunday afternoon when children were rushing towards the Game-zone inside a mall in Delhi. They had come from a school trip to celebrate ecstasy after their exams were over. 

The teacher paid on behalf of the students to the cashier and commanded the students to maintain discipline. There was yet a lot of rumpus of children running around, lost in their own worlds, immersed in the games of all kinds. Two boys were playing a remote control game. Three other boys were into a game of falling ball. And then there was Tinku having his eyes upon his other two friends playing a strange game 'Escape the maze'.

Tinku had been holding and looking towards the packed game boxes but as the game of his friends got interesting, he had turned back to watch. It seemed like there was suddenly a glitch in the game. The maze had started to change directions and the tricks became unpredictable. Tinku was completely engrossed in the game. 

Tinku and his friends initially thought that the game was glitching out but as they continued to play, they noticed something eerie happening. The game was no longer just a game. It had become a mystery. The weird symbols flashing on the screen and messages seemed like secret codes. They tried decoding the messages but couldn't figure out the meaning.

Tinku realised that the sequences of the symbols and codes were repeating spontaneously. So he decided to investigate further. It now felt like the game was trying to tell something to them. As the symbol, messages and codes were analysed by them, they discovered that they were actually clues that can lead to something hidden inside the Game zone.

The children were determined to find out what it was. They kept following the traces and finally found their answer. The clues led them to a hidden compartment inside the game console. They found a small diary with some mysterious writeup inside that. It was a message from the expired owner of the game who had died creating this game as a sharp equipment pierced his fingers. The owner had hidden his treasure inside the mall.

After flapping the pages of the diary, they discovered a map to reach the treasure. The children followed the map's directions, digging deep into the mall's tunnels and finally found the treasure after an hour of labor. The mystery of the game was solved!

The children informed the authorities about the treasure. The treasure was deposited to the government who then applauded the children for their intelligence and honesty and offered them a significant proportion of the treasure.

The 'Escape the maze' game became the talk of the town, popular among the youth. It had not been resolved by anyone else since years and the children were proud to win this adventure in the Game zone. 
