Report on the Need for Capital Punishment

Justice and Deterrence

-By Sarah Khan

Capital punishment is execution of offender by sentence of death as a convict by the court of law. It is basically providing death penalty to the convict.

In any civislised society, there is a systematic system wherein criminals are penalised for their crime resulting to a fear among potential culprits ultimately reducing crime rate. It justifies the cruelty to the oppressed and prevents the culprit from carrying out anymore nuisance, thereby ensuring the safety of society. Capital punishment is a necessary tool to preserve the law and order. 

Guilty criminals eseeve to be punished as per the level of crime as some henious crimes cannot be forgiven. If the criminal is provided a lesser punishment, it would not justify the pain victin has gone through and lose hopes of many other victims looking for justice.The criminal cannpt compensate for the losses the victim sustained. The convict deserve the punishment in proportion to the severity of the crime.

The guilty didn't show mercy towards the victim, hence the law holds no mercy towards the criminal. Some argue that the death penalty is a violation of the criminal's right to life. But the offender has fortified that right. He or she violated the rights of the victim, hence it is justified to deprive him of his right. It is morally permisible way of treating murderers to give justice to the loss caused to the victim/victims. The right to life rule doesn't apply to the atricuous murderes as they committed a crime that is prohibited by law. Even if the murderer becomes civilised or feels sorry for what he did, e cannpt compensate for the losses of victim and his/her family.  

For any civilised society, legal penalty has to be ordered by the court of law against any serious offender. Capital punishment would instill a fear in the future offenders as they know the repurcussions of the wrongdoings and that they won't be spared. This punishment applies to traumatising atrocities such as murder, rape and crimes whose loss is irrecoverable. Rehabilitation is prevention of crime as it changes the defendant's attitude. 

Hence, civilisation requires elimination of any barbaric segment of the society which makes capita;l punishment justified and morally correct.


  1. The accused will make sure the victim won't survive as he knows he'll fave capital punishment

    1. The presence of accused is a threat to society. He/she would be kept under bars until capital punishment is put into action for the safety of victim.


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