A twist in my posts!

Since some days, all I posted were poems. I thought this time, I must post some unique contents for the readers to enjoy their quarantine through reading :-)
So, some of you might feel when you hear about articles, "long paragraphs to read!"
But that's just not what good authors do! They either compile thoughts and try to describe it in as short sentences as possible or if they go for long paragraphs, they make it super interesting.
Well for me, short para should be the case. I can't say if I'm a good author but yes, I want to be the one. I've observed that my posts are getting views but people are not responding to it- it seems to me as if I'm connecting with zombies! Lol!
I hope, y'all enjoy the reading of my next post that would be an article, probably. If you haven't subscribed to my page, then do it to get email notifications for my posts.
And ya, please let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions by either using the contact form or through your valuable comments.


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