Embrace every colour, size and sound of life with this piece of writing !



With every shade of thoughts 

Painting my emotions into an avatar

With colors pink, ochre and blue, I thought

Let the colors be how they are

When the needle is the requirement

You can't use the sword, quite bizarre 

With the different functions they have, I analyzed

Let the things be what they are

Thirst can only be quenched by water

No matter how good drinks you have in the bar

Everything has a special role to play, I realized

Let them taste how they are

The fish can't climb and the monkey can't swim

And the rabbits don't have spots like the jaguar

They all have their own uniqueness, I observed

Let them look how they are

The ant, not as fat as an elephant

Was carrying something double its weight too far

The elephant couldn't carry equal to its own, I wondered

Let them weigh how they are

The frog didn't sound like the nightingale

And the drum doesn't chime like the guitar

But together they form an amazing song, I heard

Let their sounds be how they are

Colors make the world beautiful

Though different, we see the shine of the sun and star

Your perception makes the difference, I noticed

Let them shine the way they are

With different colors, roles, looks, and weights

No matter they've clean skin or scar

Embrace every unique creation in the world, I teach

Let the people be what they are...

AFTERTHOUGHT- Everyone has their own strengths, weaknesses and importance. Everybody has a role to play. You can't call one less important than the other on the basis of a single criterion. You can't call one stronger than the other or less competent on the basis of gender, colour, caste or size. Strength and ability has different criteria to consider and we must consider every creation holds importance and that's the reason they're brought into this world. Nobody is unworthy. You're not born worthless, it's your deeds that decide your destiny, not your size, colour, gender etc. So we must stop the judgments and bullies that offends the people on the basis of former aspects. Generally speaking, social media has the platform with most of the abuses and bullies on size, gender, religion, colour and other things that we have no control on. I wonder when will these bullies end.

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