Let HER fly high with wings of freedom..!



With length of cloth and time on the clock 
Patriarchy has denied her choices 
She wonders of her safe home
Where suppression hits her growing voices

No matter how peaceful it looks
Nobody deserves the cages 
And yet she was conditioned to live
And forget about freedom since ages

Then comes the rebate season
Grooms for sale, fresh and new
Where self respect makes no sense
Luxurious car, jewelry, to name a few

She's censured for her abilities and features
Sacrificing her dreams for the society
Creating a dogma with a pinch of stereotypes
Being called diamond, flower to female deity

"You can't do this" or "You can't do that"
How does it feel to ignore the half population
By building your beliefs out of stereotypes
And damaging the confidence in any situation

Perhaps the issue is not with her dress, age or caste
The issue is those forever hungry eyes
The society says girl, stay in your limits
Why don't we change the main problem despite lies

You say culprits are never going to change
I say they're induced more by your thinking
Start urging them they have to change
Strict policy implementation will control humanity sinking

We've always thought about ourselves 
That we're living like prince and princess at home
That we often ignore those underprivileged
And society stops girls, lead culprits to roam

No job, duty or responsibility at any time
Is ever limited to any one gender
We're all humans and can do anything
Let all achieve their dreams, don't surrender

Swallowing her tears, with dreams in her eyes
She wants to speak fearless and fly high
No work should be limited to one gender
Let her run limitless, who are we to deny?

DESCRIPTION We're all EQUALS. Different but Equal. Being different doesn't mean to be treated differently. Even among men, if one is different, weaker or stronger than the other, would it be justified that they're given unequal opportunities just based on that? Men and women don't have to be same in physicality to have the right to equality. Moreover calling one stronger than the other is the stupidest thing I'd ever hear because even though elephant and ant are completely different, they've their own strengths and weaknesses. Ant can lift double of its weight but elephant can't even lift equal to its own as I also rhymed it here. Now think how similar humans are. Society has generalized gender roles and behavior. Strength has different criteria. I may be strong at something you're not and vice versa. We're all humans and deserve to achieve our dreams despite of what the patriarchy says. 
Also, people are triggered so easily. There would be some people calling this post as "feminazi" type or feminism as something about hatred for men and arise with "not all men" thing without even realizing the main purpose and meaning of the post. I won't waste my time explaining to them. Intellectuals have understood and that's enough for me. Enough of advertisements like "men will be men" or advertisements showing girls as commodities for sale. Enough of everything. Now anyone who mistreat will be held responsible for their actions, no matter men or women. No harassments, no fake allegations. Some girls are judged upon their length of clothes and abused for choosing their clothes for themselves. In all cases, a woman's body is assumed to someone else's before her own, claiming that her freedom of choice only arises when she's with her husband. If she wears shorts, it's seen to be a sign of insecurity and need for validation, rather than feeling comfortable with herself. At the end of the day, it's just a piece of fabric, it cannot define who a person is or should be. Life is not a competition between men and women. It's a collaboration. Let's collaborate peacefully and together.
It's neither anger, nor frustration,.. Just a dream to change the world through my poetries.
Hope you loved this reading!


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