A story of a girl overcoming adversity!

The Inspiring Story of a Girl Deprived of Education 

-By Sarah Khan

Once on a warm day when the trees tossed in the frenzied lashing of the wind, there stood a girl crying near the wall of her school porch. She used to live in a village nearby and travel by foot to school daily. 

A man came to figure out the reason she was weeping. He was one of his school teachers.

"Tina," the teacher called, "Why are you crying?" 

"My parents are going to drop my education," she said, sobbing. "Because we are facing financial issues and they're finding it hard to pay for both me and my brother."

The man was surprised. He was astounded by the fact that her parents were continuing his son's studies while terminating Tina's education. They were compromising a girl's education for their financial instability. 

The teacher wasn't rich enough to pay fees on her behalf. But he decided to talk to the authorities to give her fee concession as the girl was meritorious and could brighten the school's name through zenith of success. When Tina was informed about this decision, she felt a consolatory rejoinder at these tough times. 

The school ponddered over this issue and realised that many parents in this village were facing the same ecomomic problem due to which the  female drop out rate was high in this schoool. This was the only school in that whole village. Hence, they planned about the same.

When the school teacher told that girls who excel good marks would be provided fee concession, Tina contemplated and said after a moment, "Sir boys are free to study whether they can score well or not, despite the economic condition. But when it comes to girls, why are they required to prove their worth to be allowed to study? Isn't education a basic human right? If girls from low socio economic backgrounds aren't scoring well and hence, they won't get concession, it would be an injustice to them and they would be devastated." 

The school acknowledged Tina's point and then decided to provide fee concession to all girls whose parents couldn't afford it. Tina's voice had helped so many girls in the village to continue their education. Therefore, she was applauded for the same.

This upheld the need for gir;s education and delves into the insight of our lives and voices inside all of us.


  1. Hey Sarah, become a school principal and implement this method


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